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Three Reasons to Get DNA Testing for Precision Health and Wellness

Updated: Sep 18

Get DNA testing for genetic polymorphisms if (1) your health results don’t show how hard you’re working, (2) your health regimen feels too complicated, or (3) your family’s health history has you wanting better answers.

Science and social media alike tout certain health remedies. But the research studies and the loudest voices may not apply well to you. That’s where DNA testing comes in. Your DNA and your environment are unique to you, so your body and its functions are also unique to you (even identical twins have different environments). This means that data about your DNA can help you to change your environment in ways that can improve your body and its functions.

Why? Because small variations in some genes can make a big difference. Your DNA is made of pairs of four chemical compounds called nucleotides, and short sections of nucleotide pairs make up genes; genes encode specific proteins, and your proteins perform the functions of your body. The most common of these genetic variations have just one substitution and are thus called single nucleotide polymorphisms – abbreviated SNPs or snips – and knowing which SNPs you have can make all the difference in the world to you.

For instance, the SNP in my MC4R (melanocortin-4 receptor) gene suggests that I need to be more careful not to overeat at all-you-can-eat buffets (lots of us have this SNP), and the SNP in my NRF2 (nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2) gene explains why I need to work so hard for athletic performance (very few of us have this SNP). Most traits are influenced by more than one gene – 11 genes especially influence risk for diabetes and hyperlipidemia – and genes are predispositions, not predestination, so we can use data about our genes to improve our health, wellness and longevity.

There are three situations when DNA testing may be especially useful:

(1) Poor results. You’re working hard and implementing the recommended medical or training plan from your doctor, personal trainer, or others; but your results aren’t what they should be.

(2) Complex plans. There are so many parts and pieces to your recommended plan that it’s too complicated or too expensive to implement well.

(3) Family history. You like – or dislike – how your parents or grandparents lived in their senior years, and want specific insights on what to do for yourself or your children.

DNA testing is about more than curiosity about ancestry, confirmation of biological parentage, and implication at crime scenes. DNA testing provides precise information about genetic variations that can truly personalize recommendations for your longevity, health and wellness.

How GenAge Center Can Help

At GenAge Center, our team of physicians and lifestyle specialists can help you understand your health more deeply. If you feel like you’re not getting results that match your efforts, your health protocol is too complex, or if you have a concerning family health history, we can help.  We offer DNA testing that gives you more profound information about your body so our team can create a truly personalized, precise health plan to help you meet your goals.  To schedule a free consultation, contact us today.


Dr. Hyung Kim is co-founder of GenAge Center, a medical practice specializing in longevity, health and wellness. He trained at Johns Hopkins and the University of Michigan; he is Board-certified by both the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. He and his wife are happy empty nesters in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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