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Dr. Hyung Kim

Three Surprises from my DEXA Scan That Might Help You Too

My DEXA scan (1) showed that I was eating and working out wrong; (2) identified an unexpected health issue; and (3) surfaced yet another medical issue/opportunity to improve my health and wellness.

Like many of you, I work hard to stay in shape by eating right and exercising. For instance, every January I switch to a low-carb diet and intermittent fasting and add in zone 2 cardio to work off some of the extra dad belly that comes from the holiday cheer and treats I’m lucky enough to get.


Then, in March, as part of preparing to open GenAge Center, I got a DEXA scan. Wow, did the results surprise me! Here’s why:


(1)   My body needed more muscle, not less fat, so I had been eating and exercising wrong. That’s because my total body fat read well (lower than 72% of young men and 97% of men my age), but my muscle mass wasn’t as good (lower than 66% of young men and 64% of men my age). The low-carb diet, intermittent fasting and zone 2 cardio I was doing reduced fat, but also cost muscle – the opposite of what my body needs. I’ve since changed my fitness and nutrition plan; it’s now designed to build muscle mass.

(2)   I have osteoporosis in my hips and spine despite regular weight-bearing exercise and no risk factors. Health insurance won’t even cover bone density testing unless you’re over 70, a menopausal woman over 65, taking a predisposing medication, or have a pathologic condition. That’s how surprising my result is. Now, I’ve added supplements and reduced alcohol, caffeine and fizzy drinks. I also need to loop in the kids because it's likely they are genetically predisposed to develop osteoporosis.

(3)   My gut needed testing. Since my dad belly wasn’t from fat, then it was most likely an ailing gut microbiome (the bacteria and other microorganisms in our stomach and intestines). So I took a gut test from Microbiome Labs, and it showed that my gut needs help (“dysbiosis”): more diversity of good bacteria and fewer bad bacteria. I had these results despite avoiding antibiotics and most other medications, avoiding dairy and refined carbs, eating yogurt and consuming so much broccoli that my wife complains about it.


Usually, surprises aren’t good (even surprise parties, if we’re honest). But the three surprises from my DEXA scan were good. They spurred me to make changes that are already making me feel better and improving my health and longevity.


The implication for you is that you should get a DEXA scan, too. You can find a place near you at, and it’s painless (other than not loving the results), affordable (like a nice dinner for two) and could help you (like me).




Dr. Hyung Kim is co-founder of GenAge Center, a medical practice specializing in longevity, health and wellness. He trained at Johns Hopkins and the University of Michigan; he is Board-certified by both the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. He and his wife are happy empty nesters children in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Yes, they do miss their kids.

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